Photos of 2003 Day 3




Len great address          Buttner with pointers on being early      Bunky hitting it straight


                                    Gil with no teammates in the fairway 

Kenny, I will not put it in the lake, NOT                                  Nice bag Gil, any Beam?

Where is my Zippo?        Ed Spray with another great one    What a great swing, should I join the tour?

                                        Jim aka Tiger looking for a landing spot 

Lefty George ready to go                                            This years George Hartzer award winner

Tiger can I have an autograph?    Two tone Jack                    Heil, why did I pick that team?


Kenny and Jose                    Pete with the followup to Ken            Ray talking to Joey

Dave paying Bunky            Pete, I will not be last this year!          Dave, Do you want to buy a clubf?

Jimmy that is a collar for a shirt    Jack and Jose, sorry about the broken bottle