To:  Golfers Stefanides Invitational 2005


From:  G. A. Stefanides, Tournament Director


Date:  October 19, 2004


Confirmation/Welcome to this year’s event




We have 42 confirmed golfers signed up for this year’s tourney and the hotel and golf course tee times have been set.  I appreciate everyone’s efforts in bringing in new golfers and in returning your deposits for this year’s event.  I have included in this mailing, a list of the golfers who have confirmed this year.  I am hoping that you might know of one or two more individuals that you golf with at home that might be interested in joining our group to complete our field so that we have 44 golfers.  If there is someone that you would like to invite, please e-mail me at or call me at 843-903-4200 so that we can get your guest registered.  We will close the field once we reach 44 golfers.


This year we  return to the Sea Mist Resort. Check in time at the Sea Mist front desk is after 2:00 PM.  When you  pay your balance please come by the director’s room ( 50403)  4th floor,  to pick up the rooming list, the tourney rules and directions, and maybe some slightly used golf balls.  On Wednesday night from 5:00 until 7:00 PM the Sea Mist hosts a “free” Southern Oyster Roast for all golfers. Details will be available from the director.    For you Oyster lovers or those of you who wish to try this delicacy you may wish to plan on joining us for this event. 


Some of the golfers are planning to join the director in a practice round on Wednesday February 23rd . If you are interested in a pre-tournament practice round (the locals are trying to find a place to golf on that day at a reasonable cost) to get the swing back from the winter hibernation,  please call or e-mail me so that I can include you in our practice group.  We will play at approximately 12:00 noon on Wednesday Febraury 23rd.


The hotel’s address is 1200 South Ocean Blvd.  The phone number is 843-839-9393 or toll free 800-732-6478.  The director’s room number is 50403 if you wish to leave this information for your love ones back home.  . 


We golf at the following golf courses this year:  Please note…that we have 11 tee times…and even though some of the tee times are early…it is the best that we can do…every eight minutes another group tees off…for a time span of 88 minutes (an hour and a half from first to last tee time). 

                  Thursday February 24……………..Wild Wing Falcon

                  Friday Februay 25…………………Wachasaw East

                  Saturday February 26……………...Traditions

                  Sunday February 27……………….Myrtlewood Palmetto Course


If you need a room for Sunday night….please contact me ASAP so that I can arrange the room at the local rate for you.  If you need transportation from the airport, inform me early of  your  flight arrival times so that I can arrange for a pick up for you.   Remember that breakfast is included in the price, golf and golf carts are also included.  Bring your bathing suit…as the hotel promises that the pool, hot tub, sauna, and steam room will all be operational.  There is a bar, and pool tables in the building that we are housed in for your pleasure, and you can join in a poker game each evening in one of our two hospitality rooms (50511 or 50611). 


This year Jason is arranging for Stefanides visors which I think will add the final touch to your Stefanides Invitational apparel.    If you would like one, please log onto and place your order with Jason. 


I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday season.  I hope that the “Yankees” in our group endure the winter and that everyone has a safe trip to the beach in February.  Remember that we need two golfers and if you can help by bringing a friend, please contact me.  Tentative room assignments are also enclosed for your interest.  If you have a problem with the person that I assigned in the same room as you, please let me know and I will make the change. 


Again, thanks for signing up to join in this year’s event.  I am looking forward to a great tourney.  For the Sambiase’s in the group…mark the date of February 23rd 2005 as the arrival date!  See everyone in February. 

